FC2S Students Persist and Graduate
Nationwide, less than 10 percent of foster youth graduate from college. However, that dire statistic does not define the students FC2S has worked with for the last 33 years. With ongoing, consistent support and financial aid, students progress and graduate at rates closer to their non-foster care peers.
Since 2001: 3,659 Degrees Earned & Still Counting!
*Graduations confirmed by the National Student Clearinghouse

Patrick C.
A graduate of SUNY Buffalo
Graduate Testimonials
“I have had a faithful coordinator. I was struggling to remain in school after several years. I am now a senior and ready to graduate. Having encouraging phone conversations with Pam Pierce, another staff, and Tina Raheem helped me to stay on track. Also, I am much appreciative of the email correspondence that FC2S coordinators had with my Disability Support counselor at California State University, Fullerton. The staff at FC2S have helped me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am finally back on my feet after being homeless for a period and struggling to complete math requirements to graduate while personally dealing with a learning disability.”
– Victor, CA
“Best thing about having an FC2S coordinator is that she keeps me on track of what needs to be done in order to graduate.”
– Phylicia, AZ
“Marcus encouraged me to follow my dream of studying abroad, and talked to me about how I should coordinate my finances to achieve this. He got so enthusiastic in helping me to this goal, and his excitement surely solidified my decision in what’s to be the best semester of my life! I cannot thank him enough for this unceasing support, especially considering my history of communication negligence with him.”
– Paul, MD
“My coordinator told me about resources that can help me when I graduate college.”
-Yasmin, CO
“My MO FC2S coordinator was so understanding of my busy life as a student. In addition, always very supportive from minor to major events, or choices in my life. I would recommend Pat Jacob along with the other staff to many youth within the program. Ms. Pat was always so graceful and encouraging with me. I would like to be able to have the opportunity to actually invite my coordinator to my graduation. I would also like to able to come visit her to say thank you!”
– TeAsia, MO