Our students have overcome great odds, and along the way have inspired stories of success that resound beyond the traditional understanding. FC2S has had the honor of playing a significant role in supporting the determination, development of character, education – academic and personal – that has helped elevate our students from foster care to success.
Read the latest featured student success stories
Lacresha Explains Why “Money Matters!”

What happens when you put former foster youth in a room full of foster care professionals? Education…but the “teacher” may surprise you. On Nov. 17, 2014, the Child Welfare League of America hosted “Financial Challenges Facing Youth in Transition,” a panel discussion about how to create policies and practices to help foster youth with money management. And […]
Heart 2 Heart in One Community

Albert Einstein once said, “A life lived for others, is the only life worth living.” Jodie Williams is a great example of this. Williams is the founder of Heart 2 Heart, a small nonprofit of volunteers in Solano County, CA dedicated to helping local foster youth. According to an article on dailyrepublic.com, Heart 2 Heart’s “goal is […]
Creating Change at Her Alma Mater

Bette Maisel is a 2014 Aim Higher Fellow attending Notre Dame de Namur University. As a senior at NDNU, Maisel is leveraging her Aim Higher experience to design a program to support other foster youth attending her university. “The program will create healthier experiences for students transitioning from high school to college. We want to help find […]
A Gentleman of Passion

Three years ago Tremale Berger stood confidently in front of a crowd. He looked out at the gathering of around 40 young men, certain his eloquently prepared speech would compel the youth to action. A sea of wide, expecting eyes rested on Tremale, and as he scanned the room and looked into the eyes of […]